Dealing with chronic pain can make ordinary tasks seem a lot harder. You need to find ways to accomplish everything on your day’s agenda without experiencing significant pain. Your treatment plan should address maintaining mobility while also reducing your pain.
Work With an Experienced Treatment Provider
In addition to seeing your primary care physician or orthopedist regularly, you may benefit from seeing a medical provider whose practice focuses on managing pain. Muscle pain, nerve pain, and joint pain can be equally debilitating, but treating each different type of pain requires a specialized treatment plan. Identifying the nature of your pain and formulating a customized course of treatment are integral components of comprehensive pain management. When you need help from pain evaluation doctors Jersey City NJ, you should work with a provider who is experienced in treating many different kinds of conditions and is able to offer more than one approach to help you effectively manage pain.
Consider Occupational Therapy
A lot of people who undergo weeks or even months of physical therapy can experience relief from their condition. You may also wish to consider working with a therapist who specializes in occupational therapy rather than traditional physical therapy. This type of treatment provider can help you examine what you need to do throughout the course of a day and help you find ways to do it with less pain. Therapy may include specially targeted exercises much like a physical therapist would instruct, but it also includes building strategies to perform physical activities without aggravating your condition. For example, an occupational therapist may show you how to move differently when you’re performing a task or may recommend using special equipment in your home or office.
Experiencing pain on a daily basis can be discouraging, but it’s important to stay committed to addressing it. Stay engaged with treatment and stay focused on making forward progress.