Author Archives: Blogging Mommy

Various Sound Effects

one of the reasons I listen to Music so much are various sound effects that I find so appealing. If you look at the website of musian friend you will immediately know what I am talking about here. Music is omnipresent in my life and I intend to keep it that way. I even wish there was more music in my life than there is right now. How about your life and music?

The Way We Stay Healthy

Іt sееms thаt gіvеn еnоugh tіmе аlmоst аll thіngs іn lіfе wіll сhаngе. This includes our health as well. Whеthеr іt bе thеу сhаngе іn арреаrаnсе, сhаngе іn vаluе, оr sіmрlу сhаngе іn dеfіnіtіоn. Аnd іf уоu’vе surраssеd уоur tееnаgе уеаrs уоu knоw thіs аll tоо wеll. Whісh dереndіng uроn hоw fаr раst уоur tееnаgеs уеаrs уоu аrе, уоur lеvеl оf fіrst-hаnd ехреrіеnсе wіll vаrу. Вut mоst реорlе thаt hаvе mаdе іt thrоugh thеіr tееnаgе уеаrs thоugh, hаvе lіvеd lоng еnоugh tо sее а рrеttу substаntіаl аmоunt оf сhаngе іn thе wоrld. Whеthеr іt bе іn fаshіоn, musіс, оr еntеrtаіnmеnt. Yоu’vе рrоbаblу аlsо sееn а lоt оf сhаngе іn thе hеаlth іndustrу аs wеll whеn іt соmеs tо hоw wе gеt hеаlthу. Frоm Rісhаrd Ѕіmmоns tо Јеnnу Сrаіg. Іn mоrе rесеnt уеаrs thеrе hаs bееn уеt аnоthеr shіft іn thе hеаlth іndustrу. Ѕресіfісаllу іn thе аrеа оf hоw реорlе аrе рursuіng gеttіng hеаlthу.

Тhіs shіft іs bеіng sрurrеd оn bу а vаrіеtу оf fасtоrs. Νоt lіmіtеd tо but іnсludіng а grоwіng fіеld оf соасhеs. Аnd wе’rе nоt tаlkіng аbоut thе соасhеs thаt аrе tеасhіng уоur kіd’s sоссеr аnd fооtbаll tеаms оn thе wееkеnds but rаthеr а dіffеrеnt tуре оf соасh саllеd а Неаlth Соасh. А соасh thаt dоеs sо muсh mоrе thаn tеасh уоu thе рrореr tесhnіquе fоr bеnсh рrеss оr thе аррrорrіаtе fооds tо соnsumе thrоughоut уоur dау. Тhеsе Неаlth Соасhеs аrе tеасhіng thеіr сlіеnts hоw tо sеt gоаls, іdеntіfу thеіr vаluеs, аnd mоst іmроrtаntlу оf аll сhаngе thеіr bеhаvіоrs. Аftеr аll, thе rеаlіtу іs thаt оur bеhаvіоrs (сhоісеs) аrе dіrесtlу tіеd tо оur оvеrаll hеаlth. Іf оur bеhаvіоrs аrеn’t соnduсіvе fоr hеаlthу lіvіng thеn wе wіll rеар thе соnsеquеnсеs оf thеm. Аnd vісе vеrsа, іf оur bеhаvіоrs аrе wіsе аnd smаrt whеn іt соmеs tо thіngs аffесtіng оur hеаlth thеn wе wіll rеар thе rеwаrds оf thоsе роsіtіvе bеhаvіоrs.

Тhе рrоblеm іs thаt mаnу реорlе dоn’t knоw hоw tо gо аbоut сhаngіng thеіr bеhаvіоrs. Тhеу mау suссееd fоr а реrіоd оf tіmе but іnеvіtаblу fаll bасk іn thе sаmе rut thаt thеу wеrе іn bеfоrе. Оr thеу јust sіmрlу dоn’t knоw hоw tо kеер thеmsеlvеs mоtіvаtеd аnd thеrеfоrе аftеr а fеw wееks оr mоnths, fіnd thеmsеlvеs bасk іn squаrе оnе. Gуm сlubs sее thіs оссur еvеrу sіnglе уеаr іn Јаnuаrу. Реорlе mаkе nеw уеаr’s rеsоlutіоns tо gеt hеаlthу аnd stаrt оut ехtrеmеlу mоtіvаtеd. Whісh іs whу Gуm’s аrе аlwауs ехtrеmеlу сrоwdеd іn thе mоnth оf Јаnuаrу. Вut wіthіn а shоrt реrіоd оf tіmе thаt іnіtіаl mоmеntum fіzzlеs оut аnd thеу stор gоіng tо thе Gуm. Аnd mаnу оf tіmеs іt’s nоt duе tо lасk оf dеsіrе tо bесоmе hеаlthіеr but rаthеr соuld рrоbаblу bе bеttеr аttrіbutеd tо thе lасk оf knоwlеdgе thеу hаvе іn knоwіng hоw tо сhаngе thе bеhаvіоrs thаt аrе рrоhіbіtіng thеm frоm bесоmіng hеаlthіеr. Тhаt’s whеrе thе Неаlth Соасh соmеs іn.

Неаlth Соасhеs аrе сhаngіng thе wау реорlе gеt hеаlthу bу рrоvіdіng thеm thаt knоwlеdgе аnd аbіlіtу tо сhаngе thеіr bеhаvіоrs. Аnd іt іsn’t соmіng іn thе fоrm оf tехtbооk knоwlеdgе аs уоu wоuld thіnk but rаthеr іt’s соmіng іn thе fоrm оf hеlріng thе реrsоn tо bеttеr undеrstаnd thеіr іntеrnаl thоught рrосеss аnd рrоmоtіng роsіtіvе thіnkіng whісh іn turn sраwns mоtіvаtіоn. Тhаt mоtіvаtіоn thеn hеlрs thе bеhаvіоr сhаngеs реrsіst nоt јust fоr а shоrt реrіоd оf tіmе but реrmаnеntlу. Wіth thе еnd rеsult bеіng а реrsоn thаt іs еquірреd wіth thе nесеssаrу knоwlеdgе аnd mоtіvаtіоn tо mаіntаіn hеаlthу bеhаvіоrs аnd nоt јust bе аnоthеr nеw уеаr’s rеsоlutіоn gуm mеmbеr thаt fіzzlеs оut іn а fеw wееks.

Bachelorette Party Ideas

I have been to some very interesting bachelorette parties and I enjoyed myself immensely during each one of them. If somebody offered me an invitation to another one, I wouldn’t hesitate even one minute before accepting it.

I always appreciate some Classy Bachelorette Party Ideas that I could possibly offer to those friends of mine who are about to get married. The classier a bachelorette party, the better for all of us.

If you are looking for dirty chat then read more .

Why Pets Should Also Stay Healthy

When you have a dog or a cat, you don’t want it to be sickly, but rather full of health and energy. It is not a secret though that the older your cat gets, the more likely he is going to need renavast to keep him healthy. It is just the natural order of things. Everybody ages, even pets, and it is a wise idea to accept it to avoid disappointment.

Learning to Massage

I have always believed that massaging others is an ability that has to be learned. Of course, everybody knows to massage a little, but only those who truly learned the art know how to deliver a quality, relaxing massage that won’t be forgotten any time soon. Those who are absolutely pro take chicago massage classes first to make sure that they know what they are doing.

Ways to Trade a Printer

Having a printer at home or in your office has many advantages. Not only can you print anything you want, but you can also print things for others. Of course, if you no longer need your printer, you can always trade printer so that somebody else can use something that you no longer need. Being able to trade your printer in exchange of something else is one way to ensure that your home is never cluttered with things that you no longer need or want.

Pearl Necklaces

What do I do when I want to feel better about myself? I buy something to wear such as honora pearl necklace>. I am not sure if you know about it, but the way I dress affects my overall health. When I feel more attractive and more taken care of, my mood is better and my body is happier. If my body is happier, I start feeling healthier and my digestion improves as well, which is a good thing taking into account that I am pregnant again. As a pregnant women, I simply need to buy myself something nice to feel better about myself. Pearl necklaces are a good choice as I love pearls.

Hair Wigs Can Help

Being bald when you are still young can be a sign of potential health problems, but it can also happen to anybody due to genes. Usually, it doesn’t even have to matter what the reason behind balding is if you are comfortable wearing some hair wigs that can definitely make a difference. Just make sure that you choose the right wig for you, and you are on the path of feeling better about yourself.

How Many Kids Should I Have?

How many kids should we have is one of those questions many newly-wed have to ask themselves at some point. It is advisable to talk about it with your spouse even before getting married to avoid any disappointment. It is true that women tend to want more kids than men do. For this reason alone, a woman might need to consider talking about it with her husband. Disagreeing on a number of kids can lead to unnecessary stress that could be easily avoided if two people decided to agree.

Finances Play an Important Role in Deciding How Many Kids You Should Have

I know that I might sound down-to-earth, but you need to consider your finances first before you decide how many kids you can afford to have. It is not a secret that raising kids can cost a lot of money in today’s world. Do you have enough money to be able to send your kids to college when they grow up? Do you have enough money to make sure that your kids are never hungry, bored, etc.

Time Also Plays an Important Role

In order to have kids you need to have time to dedicate to them. If you work the whole day and barely have time for your hobbies, you should seriously reconsider if having kids is an option at all. On the other hand, if you are willing to work less (or if you can afford to work less), you might be able to have kids after all.

The bottom line is that if you decide to have kids, at least make sure that you have and will have enough time and money to dedicate to them. You don’t want to see your kids grow without their parents and without any money at all to go to college.

Reinventing my Kitchen

Living a healthy life means spending time in my kitchen. I enjoy spending time in it, but I wouldn’t mind reinventing it a little and adding some more character to it. For example, I could always use a few extra shelves where I could store all the commodities that I have in my kitchen. To be able to do this, I could probably use some necessary items from They could come in handy on many occasions.

Gifts that Rejuvenate and Soothe: Soy Candles

Though we can’t always give our loved ones a vacation cruise to a sultry location or an island getaway to an exotic land, we can give them small but healthful gifts that can subtly transform their surroundings with inspiring tropical scents!  When you gift soy candles, you not only share enchanting island fragrances, you provide your recipients’ homes with healthy alternatives to petroleum-based wax candles.


Tropical Scents

Do you have a friend who teaches and spends their days with young children?  Perhaps you’re related to an attorney working on a high-stress project.  Chances are you know someone who needs to end their day with some relaxation!  Consider giving them soy candles for their birthdays or the holidays in lush tropical scents like island breeze or mango.  From small votive candles you might add to gift baskets to elegant jar candles perfect for adding fragrance to large spaces, soy candles are gifts that are genuinely appreciated each time they are lit.  Tropical scented soy candles uplift people from their mundane day and help them imagine a pleasurable getaway–even if it’s only in their mind! (Source:


Soy Candles as Gifts

Soy candles are perfect holiday or birthday gifts because they’re healthy.  They’re also great items to have on hand in the event you need a great gift fast.  Unlike petroleum-based wax candles that release toxins into the air, soy candles burn clean.  For homes with children, soy candles are even essential!  While tropical soy candles are certainly popularly loved fragrances, there are many others to choose from like peppermint, balsam, and even eggnog!  Consider always-delightful scents like lavender, rosemary, apple, vanilla, or pear. (Source: soy candles by The Soi Company)


When shopping for gifts, consider a set of soy candles in various sizes.  Your recipient can place one in the living room, bathroom, or bedroom for example.  You can easily pair soy candles with other soothing gifts like body lotions or sumptuously soft towels.  You can create your own home spa package!  On the other hand, if you could use some down-time and need to relax, order yourself some soothing tropical-scented soy candles for your home too!  You’ll enjoy how lovely they perfume their air and you’ll also be gratified to know what a healthful candle option they are too!

Understanding Legionnaires’ Disease

Legionnaires’ disease is considered a rare communicable illness because it affects a relatively small percentage of the American population every year. However, there are certain insidious aspects about the disease, and those who contract it can face serious and even lethal consequences.

The disease acquired its name after an outbreak at a convention of the American Legion in Philadelphia nearly four decades ago. Legionnaires’ disease is essentially a type of pneumonia that results from a bacterial infection. The specific bacterium that spawns the disorder is known as legionella. Rather than being spread by interpersonal contact, Legionnaires disease is contracted through the inhalation of the bacteria that is borne by other means.

The disease will usually develop within two weeks of exposure to the bacteria, and at that point the symptoms will often consist of a headache and aching muscles. Within a few days, the person infected will begin to cough, which may produce mucus or even blood, and will experience fatigue and chest pain and have difficulty breathing. Other symptoms can include gastrointestinal problems, including diarrhoea and vomiting, and the sufferer may also develop a high fever.

Those who experience the symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease, especially those who are more susceptible to the condition, should seek medical attention as soon as possible in order to reduce the chance of serious complications. The disease can be diagnosed with blood and urine tests, a chest X-ray or a CT scan, and can be treated with antibiotics. Untreated, Legionnaires’ disease can result in such life-threatening complications as kidney failure, breakdown of the respiratory system or heart trouble.

Susceptibility to the disease is more pronounced among certain individuals, including those who are 65 years of age or older. Those who have such chronic lung disorders as emphysema or have weakened immune systems are also at greater risk of contracting the disease, as are smokers, who often have damaged lungs as a result of their habit. The avoidance of Legionnaires’ disease is another good reason for either quitting or not taking up the use of tobacco products.

The Legionella bacterium usually does not cause infections in an outside environment, but indoors it can multiply through contact with different forms of moisture, including hot tubs, mist sprayers and air conditioning systems. The avoidance of large buildings and public areas should be considered by anyone trying to avoid Legionnaires’ disease.

For more information on Legionella the bacterium or about the diseases including risk advice and training then visit